When you send someone anything via snail mail, that person knows that you had to seek out paper, take time to write on it, scout out a stamp, and find a mailbox. It wouldn’t take much effort on my part to send it, and it would take even less effort on your part to read it. If I want to tell you something, I could email you and you’d know what I wanted to say in two seconds. I mean, really, if you think about it, snail mail is superfluous now, which is why it’s so cool to receive it. The letter inside didn’t disappoint, and I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing it here because I thought it was so cool:Īfter the enriching experience of interacting with Albrecht’s letter, I was reminded of how fun it is to receive snail mail. I freely admit that I am a “judge a book by its cover”-type of person. When I opened my mailbox and saw the letter, I was so excited to open it and investigate its contents - simply based on how cool the outside was. He then used a sewing machine to enclose the letter in the now-envelope. He had taken a paper fabric pattern, sewn some postage stamps on using a zigzag pattern, then put a letter inside. A couple of days ago, I received the coolest letter in the mail from Albrecht Clauss.